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Privacy Policy

Ramloet respects your privacy and any personal information related to your use of our products and services, in full compliance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. This Privacy Policy applies to all data collection and usage by us and should be read alongside the Ramloet Website Terms of Use accessible online. Moreover, associated with the Privacy Act, this Privacy Policy may undergo updates, with revisions published on the Ramloet web site.

What is Personal Information and Why Do We Collect It?

Personal information is data that personally identifies you. We collect this for operational purposes and to provide requested products and services. This can include your name, contact details, payment information, and other information you provide to us. It can be gathered in various ways, such as through interviews, correspondence, telephone, email, our website, cookies, and third parties.


Ramloet discloses your information only as you authorize, as required by law, or to provide our services and information updates. We won't share, sell, rent, or lease any client list or information to third parties. Additionally, your personal information may be disclosed if it meets certain exceptions according to the New Zealand Privacy Principles (NZPP) 11.


Ramloet uses various protective measures, including password protection and physical security, to safeguard your Personal Information from misuse, loss from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure, whether it's stored in electronic or hard copy form. However, while we strive for security, no organization can guarantee 100% security.


Your Personal Information will be retained for at least 7 years, or longer if necessary, for the purposes for which it was collected. After that time, we will either destroy or permanently de-identify the information.


You have the right to request and correct your personal data we hold. Please submit your request to Ramloet in writing, and we'll respond within 20 working days. No fee for the request, but an administrative charge may apply for providing a copy of your data. Identification will be required to protect your data.

Third Parties:

Your personal information will ideally come directly from you. However, on occasion, third parties may provide us with related information. Whenever we engage with third parties involving your personal information, we will have arrangements in place to protect this information.

Quality of Personal Information:

We strive to ensure your Personal Information is always accurate. We may periodically reach out to confirm the correctness of your data.

Use of Cookies:

Our website uses cookies to enhance your experience by recognizing returning visitors and understanding site usage. Turning off cookies might impact site functionality.

Privacy Principles -

Principle 1: Collection of Personal Information

We only collect information needed for a legal purpose connected with our services and if necessary for that purpose.

Principle 2: Source of Personal Information

We collect personal information directly from the individual unless specific conditions apply, such as public availability, authorized third-parties, law enforcement necessities, or specific research purposes where identification isn't required.

Principle 3: Collection of Information from Subject

We inform individuals when their data is collected, why it's being collected, who receives it, and their rights to access and correct it. Exceptions apply in certain cases, such as when necessary for law enforcement or when consent has been given.

Principle 4: Manner of Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information by lawful and fair means, and without unreasonably intruding into the personal affairs of the individual.

Principle 5: Storage and Security of Personal Information

We protect personal information with reasonable security safeguards against loss, unauthorized access, use, modification, or disclosure. If providing information to a third party service provider, we take every reasonable measure to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure.

Principle 6: Access to Personal Information

Individuals are entitled to confirm whether we hold their personal information and have access to it, plus they can request corrections to the information. This principle is subject to other provisions in the act.

Principle 7: Correction of Personal Information

Individuals can request the correction of their personal information or to have a statement of sought correction attached if the correction is not made. If the agency discloses the information to others, it will, where practicable, inform them of the correction. The individual will be informed of the action taken in response to their request.

Principle 8: Accuracy of Personal Information Before using personal information, reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that it's accurate, up-to-the-minute, complete, relevant, and not misleading.

Principle 9: Retention of Personal Information Personal information should not be kept longer than needed for its lawful purposes.

Principle 10: Limitations on Use of Personal Information Personal information gathered for one purpose should not be utilized for a different purpose, unless there are reasonable grounds for doing so. Exceptions may include cases of public health or safety, lawful enforcement, where the usage directly relates to the original reason for collection, or where the individual cannot be identified.

Privacy Principle 11: Limits on Disclosure of Personal Information Personal information must not be disclosed unless legally permissible. Disclosure can be authorized for the purpose for which it was initially collected, if the source is a publicly available document, if it's authorized by the individual concerned, required by law, necessary to protect public health or an individual's safety or life, aiding the sale or other disposition of a business, or used for statistical research in a form not identifying the individual. All subject to regulatory authority.

Principle 12: Disclosure of Personal Information outside of New Zealand Personal information can be disclosed to foreign entities if the individual grants express consent, or if the receiving entity is subject to New Zealand's Act, has comparable privacy laws, participates in a prescribed binding scheme, is under the privacy laws of a prescribed country, or guarantees comparable privacy protection.

Principle 13: Unique Identifiers Unique identifiers can only be assigned to an individual when necessary for our agency to efficiently carry out its functions. These identifiers will only be applied to individuals whose identities are clearly established. No individual will be required to disclose any unique identifier unless the disclosure is related to the purpose for which it was assigned.


© 2024 by RAMLOËT

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